Airtight Design

Atlanta web development & internet consulting

Contact us to get a ballpark quote for your new website. We will also visit your place of business anywhere in metro Atlanta.

659 Auburn Ave. Suite 251, Atlanta, GA 30312

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Atlanta Web Design Blog


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Code for a WordPress plugin

Open Source Day: Airtight creates a WordPress plug-in in 8 hours

How much can a dedicated team of web developers accomplish in single day of frantic …

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Round Table of Geeks

Wednesday Workshops: Gather ‘round and geek out

At Airtight Design, we have the reputation of being one of the most technically advanced …

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Ben on a bike

Geekz in the Hood: A Look at Old Fourth Ward

Airtight’s location of Atlanta’s Old Fourth Ward could not be better. We’re adjacent to new …

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A drawing of Super Mario on a whiteboard

Office Art

You may think that our staff’s talents are solely limited to designing and building kick-ass …

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Airtight Rock Climbing

ATD Goes Rock Climbing

Here at Airtight Design, we make sure to work hard and play hard. Today the …

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Ward Binns presenting the trophy for the Geek Olympics to John Graham

Airtight’s Geek Olympics

We’re all geeks at Airtight, and no event shows this like our holiday party. For …

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Responsive web design development technology concept with desktop computer in modern bright office and website wireframe sketch layout on screen, nobody

You know your site needs to be revamped when…

Few people think of websites as a having a set life-span, but it is inevitable …

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A downward-trending graph illustrating bounce rate

Three Key Elements to Low Bounce Rates and High Conversion Rates

First thing’s first: What, exactly, is a bounce rate and a conversion rate? The bounce …

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designer drawing website development wireframe

Understanding web design and development

It has become a commonplace in everyday conversation to interchange the term “web design” with …

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