Airtight Design

Atlanta web development & internet consulting

Contact us to get a ballpark quote for your new website. We will also visit your place of business anywhere in metro Atlanta.

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Manheim Auctions

Manheim Auctions is the world’s largest wholesale auto auction. Airtight has developed numerous websites for Manheim that help them educate their customers, inform them of new auction opportunities, and build brand loyalty. Typically Airtight provides Web Design, Web Development and DevOps services on projects.

Manheim vertical LCD advertisement
Manheim auctions orlando
Manheim shout-out cards
Manheim vertical LCD advertisement
Manheim auctions orlando
Manheim shout-out cards
Manheim vertical LCD advertisement
Manheim auctions orlando
Manheim shout-out cards

The Challenge

Each week at Manheim locations around the US, thousands of car dealers come and purchase more than 50,000 vehicles. Building a strong relationship with these dealers is paramount to their business. Manheim approached Airtight about developing an interactive application that would show the human side of the Manheim-dealer relationship.

The Solution

Airtight developed two applications that appear on large video monitors throughout Manheim’s 106 locations. At each location, one monitor will display our Be The Manheim application, which allows dealers and Manheim employees to be the star of their own Manheim motivational poster – describing how their work each day helps improve business.The other monitor displays Shout-Outs, a collection of quotations from dealers and Manheim employees recognizing good deeds at work.

Technology Used on this Project

  • PHP
  • Vue.js
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • HTML / CSS
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Laravel

Our Favorite Part

To keep the viewer interested, we rotate content through the space. Shout-out cards flip with a three-dimensional feel. Be The Manheim posts appear every 15 seconds to give a sense of the variety of hard-working professionals at every auction.

Local admins can customize their interactive presentations by adding, editing and deleting content. And to keep the content hyper-local, they can upload photos from their own locations.

Manheim shout-out cards